Our Mission
Our mission is to call men into authentic manhood on their journey of becoming like Jesus; men who reject passivity, accept responsibility, lead courageously, and expect the greater reward: God’s reward.

Register now for our Men’s Ministries Fall Conference!
Download The Manual
The Men's Ministries Resource Information Manual, will assist you with Men's Ministries and your role as a leader. This manual is designed to spark a creative flame in your life. Whatever your role in men's work, now or in the future, you will benefit from your study of this manual.

Meet Our Director
Cory Baldwin has been the director of Men's Ministries for SCIPHC since 2016. He has served as the director of Men’s Ministries in multiple churches and he was also a Youth Leader at McColl PHC. He was employed at Scotland County EMS from 1984 until retirement in 2013 as a Paramedic. He is married to Debra Orvin Baldwin. They have two children, Amber Baldwin Grooms and Justin Baldwin. He also has two grandchildren, Savannah Grooms and Annalise Grooms.